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  • CodeIgniter
  • MySQL
  • CakePHP
  • SaaS
  • jQuery
  • Responsive Design
  • Web Development
  • Website Development
  • WordPress
  • App Development
  • Application Development
  • Mobile Application Development
  • PHP
  • PSD to WordPress
  • Python

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  • Custom CRM Development

    $16/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems is not any other software but it has the potential to become a 'way-of-life' in your organization. Some organization believe that implementing CRM itself...

    Act! CRMAdmin SupportAjaxCakePHPCodeIgniter
  • CakePHP

    $15/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Specialized CakePHP is one of the core skills at Mind Trails.pvt ltd. We have designed, developed and maintaining various types of web developments which are based on CakePHP. The use of CakePHP in our...

    Act! CRMAjaxAPICakePHPCodeIgniter
  • Software as a Service - SaaS Development

    $15/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Software as a Service application for a Wellness studio owners. Where Studio owners can setup rooms, professionals and add clients and classes like Pilates, Acupressure, Yoga etc. Software developed and...

    Admin SupportApplication DevelopmentCustomer ServiceDentistry ConsultingDHTMLX
  • Web Portal / Website Development in PHP

    $15/hr Starting at $500 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource is an established travel portal in Netherlands. It has many complex features right from Hotel booking, flight booking, creating packages and dealing with millions (literally) of MySQL...

    AjaxCakePHPCodeIgniterHotel BookingHTML
  • Customized ERP for a Public Limited Comp

    $15/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Tailor-made ERP, which precisely does what our client wanted rather than picking up a ready-made ERP product, which is built with all the whistles and you end-up paying for features you did not want PLUS...

    App DevelopmentERPSoftware Development
  • Mobile Application

    $16/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Irrespective of your business niche or your target demographic a substantial number of your prospects and current customers are Android users. Mobile Application Development is required in all areas of...

    AndroidApp DesignApplication DevelopmentMobileMobile Application Development

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Quality, Speed and Economy.

Mind Trails is a leading IT company that brings enhancement to your venture. Enabling and expanding your business online, through Quality, Speed and Economy. This is achieved through a broad set of proven capabilities that are placed at your disposal.

Our Approach

We dive deeper in your business domain to understand it. That helps us to provide a workable solution and also provide you solutions which enable you to operate a few steps ahead of your competition. That is the mark of a market leader, which we help you become.
Quality time and effort invested in understanding the requirements. We interviews all stake holders, analyze user demography etc. Involving everybody makes the end product foolproof and avoids blind alleys. Involved people are committed to success.
Agile development methodology. Gets you going, fast off the starting block.
Free bug / issue fixing policy. We are human, so to ensure that you get what you expect, we will fix any bug or issue that may crop up at no charge to you. Zero stoppages of your business, is something that we aim for.
Clear and excellent communication. Setting the expectations right, no silly surprises. This is one of our core competencies. Avoids delay and a lot of heartburn later.
Survey and Assessment of your legacy products. This is to identify cost and resource saving opportunities. Customization is cheaper than re-inventing the wheel.

Founded: 2009