I am a professional virtual assistant and i promise to deliver a quality work to my clients and on time
Are you looking for a skilled virtual assistant who can do any of your administrative tasks? well look no more because you have just found one. I have virtual assistant skills which i am ready to offer to any client who hires me. I have worked as a virtual assistant for the past one year and a half and i have an extensive experience in all the skills i have added on my profile. I have high interpersonal skills and can communicate well in both oral and written language and i love learning new things because this help me develop new ideas. I am highly motivated, diligent and passionate in my work. I am a fast learner with ability to handle my tasks without supervision and can able to work under pressure.
Apart from being an excellent virtual assistant i am also an excellent data entry personnel with ability to do services like, copy and paste or type from word, excel, website and PDF into output file.
I am available for more than 30hrs per week and i can work at anytime
Work Terms
I am available for more than 30hrs per week and can able to work under pressure and at anytime. charging fee 8 dollars per hour and can contact me through email.