Full Stack Developer
Hello, I am Mirza Hamza Umar and I am MERN Stack Developer with exposure in JavaScript technology such as React JS/Next JS, Node JS, Express JS, MongoDB, MySQL and PostgreSQL. I have experience in building ecommerce application using the JavaScript MERN stack using Redux, Flux, ES6 and Web-pack for Single Page Application Development.
Expertise in developing web pages using HTML5. CSS3, Tailwind CSS, MVC, SASS, ES6, JSON, jQuery. Good Understanding of Document Object Model (DOM) and its
Extensive use of Node environment using NPM, Grunt, Gulp and MongoDB
with Mongoose to create server side Applications. Expertise in creating the user
validation forms and using RESTful Services for sending the data to server.
Good Experience in using Components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router,
Animations and Flux Concept. Used Node Package Manager (NPM) to manage
the modules and used it to install useful tools such as Express, Passport.js,
mongoose modules, mongo.js, body-parser and redux. Strong experience with
the version Controls GIT, GITHUB and Bit Bucket.
I can also develop CMS websites like WordPress and Shopify.
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