I have two years experience in creating responsive websites frontend and backend . my skills html , css , sass , javascript , jquery , bootstrap , wordpre
I joined the faculty of engineering the department of communication. in the fourth year in my college I started the journey of my programming career . my first programming language was ( c programming language ) after that I started to learn about object oriented programming in ( c++ programming language ) . after that I started to learn about image processing and computer vision for my graduation project in my last year in college . I did some projects to practice what I have learned like ( snake game project with open cv and c ++ programming language ) and some other projects in c++. after I practice some projects in c++ . I started to work in my graduation project , me and other three partners . the graduation project was about 3D reconstruction from multiple images. I graduated from the college in 2016 .
after my graduation ,I started to work on my programming skills . the web industry to be exact . I learned the following skills : - html - css - javascript - jquery - bootstrap
I started to develop some projects as a frontend developer . after that I went to a programming company called aait as a trainee . 2 month later , I worked full time job as a frontend developer in TASAWK company . I stayed there 6 months then Iwent to the Egyptian army for about 3 years.
from 10/2019 till now , I am working in TASAWK company . the first 3 months at the company , I worked as frontend developer .
now I am a frontend & WordPress developer . and I have a lot of experience and skills to make a responsive and fast website .
in brief my skills and knowledge are the following :
- html
- css
- javascript
- jquery
- psd to html
- bootstrap
- wordpress
- php
- responsive website
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