The best is coming, but with diligence and perseverance, all dreams will be fulfilled, so do everything available for the unavailable to come true.
She taught both the Alexandria University Faculty of Commerce and the Arab Academy for Science and Technology for programming
Based on what I have learned in my life, insisting on success and focusing on it is the weight of skills and leads to excellence
And I did some works from it
Work to manage the accounts of Falcon company
Accounts Manager for Etihad Al-Safwa Company, from which to manage the Cairo branch of the company's marketing director and implementation department
I studied at the Egyptian Customs Administration - and E-Marketing at Udasti Nano Degree Company. In that course, I studied E-Marketing and Advertising Management in Google and Social Media.
Work Terms
In all stages of my work I have always led work teams, the smallest of whom was the most developed
Falcon team management
Managing the work team in managing the accounts of Etihad Al-Safwa Company
Managing the work team to manage the implementation of projects in the same company
Manage the work team in the marketing department of the same company