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  • Campaign Planning
  • Content Writing
  • Facebook Ads
  • Marketing
  • Marketing Campaigns


  • Facebook marketing campaign

    $6/hr Starting at $30

    I will create and monitor a Facebook marketing campaign tailored for your targeted audience while considering Facebook algorithms and guidelines. if the results were not satisfactory, I'll revise my work...

    Campaign PlanningContent WritingFacebook AdsMarketingMarketing Campaigns


Ready to boost your digital presence. Time is gold. Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Content writing, En/AR Translation

I'm Mohamed, Petroleum engineering graduate from Egypt. I have a year of experience in digital marketing including social media marketing, Email marketing, content writing, blogging, with a digital marketing nanodegree from Udacity. I would love to use my experience to help boosting your digital presence, optimizing your social media accounts, and finding the right audience. I also have background about business administration, English-Arabic translation, entrepreneurship, graphic design, and of course petroleum engineering. So, I can give you some insights to boost your business. I like to use new and disruptive marketing ideas.

Work Terms

Payment via PayPal

Mohamed Taha Abdelaziz
Mohamed Taha Abdelaziz
Kafr ash shaykh, Kafr ash Shaykh, Egypt