Full Stack Ruby on Rails Developer
I am Full Stack Ruby on Rails Developer having expertise Front-end, Back-end,Web-services and API Development .
Overall 5+ years of experience and committed to maintaining technical Skills and up to date industry knowledge.
I have acquired the best skills and expertise to develop complex and advanced websites for varied business requirements.
Others technical Skills:
Proficiency in Technologies - Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, JQuery, JSON, HAML, HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, Bootstrap, Angular JS.
Proficiency in Databases – Postgre SQL, MongoDB, MySql. - Code deployments on- Heroku Engineyard and AWS S3 server. –
Experience with Tools - Sublime Text, Aptana Studio, PGAdmin, Github, RSpec, Amazon RDS., Amazon EC2-
Experience in Data Analytics using tools – DataTable, Google Analytics, RubyCritic gem.
Work Terms
By Project, As Per Requirement
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