Experienced Full Stack Developer
rofessional Skills I have worked on:
1. Picasso, Glide and image loader libraries
2. Sqlite database.
3. Volley libraries.
4. Card view libraries.
5. FCM and GCM.
6. Material design for android ui.
7. Google map for tracking the current location.
8. Shared preference for store key value pair in local.
9. MPAndroidChart library.
10. Slider libraries.
11. PayUMoneysdk, Stripe Payment Gateways.
12. Barcode scanner libraries.
13. Social libraries like Facebook, Google+, Linkedin, Instagram, Twitter.
14. Croping libraries.
Testing Methods:
# Functional Testing
# Regression Testing
# Exploratory Testing
# Manual Testing
# Software Testing
# iOS
# Android
# Website
Work Terms
I will charge $9/hr and prefer to talk via Skype, Guru which is comfortable or any medium for you.