Software Engineer (Freelancer)
happy to work with Flask, Docker, AWS Services, GCP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebase, NGINX, Jinja.
Telecommunications Engineer interested in programming began his journey in the world of programming and freelancing 2 years ago, during this journey he has gained a lot of experience
-Linux, Python, SQL, Dart , Java, Shell Scripting, HTML, CSS ,Virtualization, Cloud Computing.
-Flask, Docker, AWS Services, GCP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebase, NGINX, and Jinja.
-Android Studio, Visual Studio Code, GitHub and Flutter.
-Google Admob, Google AdSense.
During this journey, he has gotten Udaicty one million Arab coders Full stack developer track 2018, and is now about to graduate from Udacity FWD Advanced Web Development Nano Degree.
During this journey, he implemented a lot of projects:
-"قطارات مصر مع البحث الصوتي" Android App, one of the leading apps in its category in Egypt.
-"مجلة رقيقة" Back-end based Forum Android app (freelance project).
During this infinite journey, he is now pulled towards Data Science and Machine Learning !.
He has started the journey,but can not stop gaining experience, believing in one thing :
"If you start, surely you are not late !".