Data Analysis
This is Mostafa, Data Analyst commenced these carrier Data Analysis track at Udacity and continued my carrier path by studying Data Analysis professional track at Udacity platform and I have accomplished project for Data wrangling project has to gather data from twitter "WeRateDogs" is a Twitter account that rates people's dogs with a humorous comment about the dog. Using Python and its libraries, and gather data from a variety of sources and in a variety of formats, assess its quality and tidiness, then clean it plus showcase them through analyses and visualizations using Python (and its libraries) First: Gathering Data for this Project:The WeRateDogs Twitter archive" .csv file", The tweet image predictions " .tsv file", query the Twitter API for each tweet's JSON data using Python's Tweepy library Second: Assessing Data: assess them visually and programmatically for quality and tidiness issues Third: Cleaning Data for this Project to have quality and tidy master pandas DataFrame Fourth: Storing, Analyzing, and Visualizing Data for this Project
Work Terms
the T&C is define time frame for the work to be done and the assigned fees, the main communication will be the guru communication tools and my email if needed.