It is the large generalization, limited by a happy particularity, which is the fruitful conception. (Alfred North Whitehead)
High-end computer engineering firm based in Springfield, IL. We concentrate on thin clients, high-performance multi-threaded GC, and language-integrated data-bases. For a modest price, we are willing to fabricate and deploy any large-scale internet-related enterprise system, complete with analytics, diagnostics, and support for mixed-media integration. We are especially strong where the application in question requires low-level control, static linking, zero cost of dependencies, or zero effort of installation, whether upon an Android-based plat-form or a Linux one. Our data-rated plans begin at 10,000 GB of storage. Our productions are diligently compliant with industry-propounded standards, such as those from ANSI, IETF, and W3C. Our web-based front-ends load 3x faster than those of competitors, giving us the client-side edge in cloud- or swarm-metric data organiz-ation.
Founded: 2016
Meet the Team
David Huang
General Manager