I promise to deliver original, high-quality written work for a variety of projects in a timely, respectful manner.
I grew up in the Midwest and always wanted to be a teacher and a writer. For the past ten years, I have been teaching English and Composition at high schools and community colleges in the Mississippi Valley Area. Although education is a topic I'm passionate about, and I love gathering and presenting information to students, teaching has left me with very little time to pursue my other passion: writing.
So I'm taking a chance and beginning my official writing career.
I have attended Western Illinois University in Moline, IL, to earn my Masters in English Literature and Language. Prior to that I attended WIU in Macomb, IL, to earn my BA in English and Physical Education. Since then I have taught at high schools and community colleges, English and physical education, part time and full time, and permanent and long-term substitute positions. All of these have taught me the value of flexibility, open communication, and reliability.
Work Terms
My main hours of work will be morning and evenings.
Payment preferred through guru.com.
Communication preferred through guru.com, email, or phone (depending on location)
valkline83@gmail.com 309 507 1685