Software Architect (test & Development)
An accomplished Software Quality Assurance engineer with three years of versatile extensive experience in software analysis, testing and deployment, technical project management, Performance Testing, research and development, and testing automation. A resourceful decision-maker and innovative researcher who consults with clients and analyses project requirements to influence strategic decisions and define project-oriented workflow. An articulate communicator who interacts with colleagues and professionals from other disciplines to creatively utilize technical skills and research to further the mission of the effective quality assurance goals.
Work Terms
Workplace terms and conditions for employees
As an employee, you have the right to workplace terms and conditions that are fair and non-discriminatory. You should have equal opportunity to apply for available jobs, higher duties, job rotation schemes and flexible working arrangements.
Your background or personal characteristics should generally not influence an employer’s decision about your:
employment as a permanent, casual, full-time or part-time worker
hours of work
wages, salary levels or remuneration packages
any other terms and conditions offered to you at the start of employment.
Setting awards and agreements
Your employment benefits and conditions may be set down in an award, enterprise agreement or individual employment contract. Your employer should consult widely across your workplace during any negotiations about award conditions or enterprise agreements to make sure that there is no unfair disadvantage or indirect discrimination.
Access to training
Professional development is an important part of any workplace. It helps you to be productive and to develop your chosen career path.
Your background or personal characteristics should not have any impact on your opportunities to participate in workplace activities such as:
skills rotation
Discrimination through stereotypes
Sometimes you may find yourself subject to negative stereotypes that can lead to discrimination through workplace terms and conditions. For example, assumptions that:
older workers are less able to learn new skills
people with disability create more difficulties or costs for the organisation
women will leave the workforce to raise children
newly-arrived refugees won’t be able to develop the necessary English-language skills.