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  • Clickable Email Signature
  • Competitive Pricing
  • Data Entry
  • Data Management
  • Data Mining
  • Data Scraping
  • Design
  • Email Services
  • Email Signature
  • Excel Data Entry
  • Html Email Signature
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Responsive Email Signature
  • Spreadsheets
  • Web Scraping


  • Excel data entry, data mining, scraping

    $10/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Welcome to my professional data entry gig! With over 3 years of experience in Excel data entry and spreadsheet creation, I bring a unique and creative approach to my work. My services include: Email scraping:...

    Competitive PricingData EntryData ManagementData MiningData Scraping
  • Design Email signature

    $10/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Are you looking to elevate your professional image with a modern, stylish HTML email signature design? Look no further! I offer a wide range of services to create a unique and professional email signature...

    Clickable Email SignatureDesignEmail SignatureHtml Email SignatureResponsive Email Signature


Trusted data entry professional, delivering results on time and on bud

Hello, my name is Abdullah, and I am a creative and imaginative teenager. My skills in data entry are second to none, as I have honed my abilities in data scraping, web scraping, sitemap scraping, email scraping, and more. My eye for detail and ability to think outside the box allows me to quickly and effectively collect data from websites. Furthermore, I am well-versed in Microsoft Word and Excel, with a unique approach to tasks that sets me apart from others. As a dedicated and enthusiastic professional, I am eager to provide innovative and efficient services that exceed my customers' expect