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  • SEO Consultant, Content writer

    $10/hr Starting at $30 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I can bring dramatic improvement using my recommendations and techniques. I can run successful Google Adwords campaigns and can create and run a campaign for you that wil receive amazing results including...

    AdvertisingAdvertising CopyCampaign PlanningConsultantContent Editing


I have been a creative writer since childhood. With the passage of time I have been polishing my writing skills. I would write articles on different topics when I was child. Couple of years before I make content and blog wring as profession. To polish my skill I got training of writing SEO friendly blog from two different digital marketing agency.

In these firms I was taught the techniques and tactics of SEO. Thus I have got grip on Search engine optimization and blog writing. Now I am able to do keyword and competitor analysis. I can list out top keywords for one's site. I have command on On site and Off site SEO.

Using these skills I can bring huge traffic to your site. Yes I am new on freelancer but not new in these field. I deeply understand SERP and I can work on different CMS.

You can blindly trust on me while giving me a project or task. I hope you understand and I am positive.

Work Terms

Currently I am giving preference to my portfolio on freelancing instead of offering my services in high rates. I am ready to work in less amount to mention some tasks in portfolio.