Web Developer | Problem Solver
I am a web developer with 2+ years of experience, problem solving is always been my passion, and helping people solving their problems always keeps me up and running, and motivates me to do more.
I have done most of the projects in Javascript's frameworks and libraries like ReactJS, NodeJS and NestJS. The reason of choosing Javascript over other languages is that it is the most supported and modern browsing language that helps in creating fast and optimized applications.
Tools I have worked with:
-- CSS
-- Javascript
-- Typescript
-- ReactJS
-- NextJS
-- NodeJS
-- NestJS
-- ExpressJS
-- MongoDB
-- TensorflowJS
Payment gateways and other services integration I have worked with
-- Stripe
-- Paypal
-- Gelato
Also I have experienced with AI model integration with client side, I have done some projects using TensorflowJS and with some custom trained model as well.