Quality programming to fix your current mess
I've been working as web-developer since 2015 when I learn programming sciences in the Institute at last course. For the last 3 years I've worked with different type of web technologies and frameworks (React/Angular/Laravel/Nodejs). And now I can work on any type of web technology or framework.
What can I propose you?
- React: If you have a large scale of web application with timeline, you should go for ReactJS.
- Angular: If you have small application with tough deadlines, Angular will be best for you.
- NodeJs/MongoDB: If you have a large scale of web application with timeline, you should go for NodeJs/MongoDB.
- Laravel/MySQL: If you have small application with tough deadlines, Laravel/MySQL will be best for you.
Our main skills:
- Frameworks/Technologies: React, Angular, NodeJS, Laravel..
- JavaScript, PHP, AJAX, jQuery, Vue.js, WebPack, Gulp
- Mobile Platform: React Native, Ionic
- Payment integrations: Stripe, AuthorizeNet, PayPal, Braintree.
- GraphQL, OAuth, Redux, Material Design, Bootstrap etc.
Thank You for your attention and feel free to contact me.