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  • Blog Writing
  • Book Writing
  • Content Strategy
  • Fiction Writing
  • Proofreading


  • Professional writer and or proofreader

    $10/hr Starting at $30 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I write mainly fiction but especially children's books. I also write nonfiction like blogs, essays, and other content. I've written as a ghostwriter for most of my work and a few stories that I have shared...

    Blog WritingBook WritingContent StrategyFiction WritingProofreading


Shape your children's minds. You have the power. Dare to be brave.

I was three years old when I first read anything. It was just a newspaper and I didn't understand any of the words written in it. My uncle thought it was funny everytime he told me to read to him. I was frustrated but you know what? I went back everyday until I learnt how to read my first sentence. After that, I got the courage to ask for story books from my English teacher. Those story books increased in volume as I grew older but my passion to read never ebbed. Everyone I love knows that at every moment, I have a book or reader near me. I started writing to keep my little sister from wandering out in the streets. I started telling them stories in the dark because we didn't have electricity and I remember that stories about brave girls fighting and winning kept me brave in the dark. So, I told stories and during the day, I wrote them down on a piece of paper so that they could read them. I became somewhat famous for my pieces of paper that parents around home contributed and gave me books and a laptop that helped me write more stories for the children in our neighbourhood. Since then, I have written over 40 children's books. I have recently ventured into young adults and adults books but writing for children will forever be my greatest love.

Work Terms

I am very flexible when it comes to my hours of work and I would prefer to communicate via email. Skype is great too. I prefer the payment to be made to my bank account.