Logic Providers, Where success is at home!!
I am Mukta Gautam Business Analyst and SEO Executive in Logic Providers I have 5+ Experience in SEO Optimizations. I have good knowledge of keywords analysis, On page optimization and off page optimization.
What can I do for you
- Analyse your site with detail report
- Track and analyses all your back links
- Keywords analysis
- On Page and off page optimization
- Set up Google analytic account
- Promotion on social media like Facebook, linkedin, twitter.
I can Design and Develop website using wordpress, php, DOT net.
What can I do for you in Designing:
- Custom designs to suit your requirements.
- Web designing for Corporate and enterprise solutions.
- Web designs for E-commerce solutions.
- Template Designing.
- Web 2.0 based designs.
- Website redesigning.
- XHTML Conversion.
- Themes customization for CMS like Drupal, WordPress, Jommla etc.
I also create JavaScript banners, Flash banners, Photo Galleries and visuals for the websites such as logos, layouts and buttons.
Work Terms
8 hours per day