Clear background green removal Change background removal background
Picture removal
Removing objects is my specialty I can add or remove people, cars, shadows, text, background and anything else you need to your photo with Photoshop, your idea! My services: Remove or add people Delete people Remove cars Erase tattoos Remove backgrounds Add watermarks or logos Delete And anything else you want to remove, change or add! *Everything is made with Photoshop Why choose me: ️ Proven track record of going to my gigs ️ 5 years working as a graphic designer ️ 10 years experience with Photoshop ️ Professionalism, quality, communication, efficiency and solutions
Work Terms
Background removal is a process where the background of an image is effectively eliminated, leaving only the main subject or object. Here are some commonly used terms related to background removal work:
1. Background: In the context of image editing, the background refers to the area behind the main subject or object in an image.
2. Foreground: The foreground is the main subject or object of an image that you want to separate from the background.
3. Background removal: It is the process of isolating the foreground of an image by eliminating the background. This is typically done to make the subject stand out or for placing it against a different background.
4. Clipping path: A clipping path is a closed vector path or shape that is created to outline the edges of the foreground object, effectively separating it from the background.
5. Masking: Masking involves creating a layer or a mask that hides or reveals certain parts of an image. In background removal, masking is used to separate the foreground and background
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