Let Me Help You Grow Your Brand
*Primarily working in the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency realm.*
I’m Alexander, a deep believer in the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Technology and how they are changing the world “one block at a time”. I have been deeply involved in the Crypto and Blockchain world since 2016, taking most of my early years to learn and understand the technical, theoretical and financial aspects of this emerging technology. Most of my learning has been through online courses, books, conferences and attending classes throughout the three years.
My areas of expertise include:
? Blockchain Technology and its use cases.
? Bitcoin, Altcoins and Cryptocurrency Hard Forks.
? Cryptocurrency Trading and Crypto Exchanges.
? Emerging trends on Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies.
? Consensus concepts in Cryptos and Blockchain (Permissionless and Permission-ed).
? Initial Coin Offering (pre-ICO’s, Whitelist ICO’s and Active ICO’s), Initial Exchange Offering and New Token Offering.
? Ethereum Smart contracts and their applications in today’s financial and legal industries among others.
? Lastly, anything you want to write on or need advice on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain.
Prior to joining the Cryptocurrency and Blockchain realm full-time, I worked as a quality coordinator (for about 3 years) assessing, reviewing and rewriting other people's written work - and also as an assistant editor at a writer’s agency covering a variety of topics e.g Real Estate, Financial sector, Academic researches and Scriptwriting. During this period my skills were also frequently called upon to write outside of the confines of my job role – resumes, cover letters, bids and proposals, complex business reports and letters for chief executives.
The nature of my work and client relation involves the sharing of ideas and experiences to produce quality content. I am really passionate about this emerging technology and am looking forward to working with like-minded individuals who share the same passion.
Work Terms
I am available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM from Monday to Saturday.
Preferred method of payment is though PayPal.
Communication channels: Telegram or E-mail.