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  • Quality Assurance
  • Article Writing
  • Blog Writing
  • Content Marketing
  • Content Writing
  • Descriptive Writing
  • Editing
  • French Language
  • Leadership
  • Product Descriptions
  • Substantive Editing
  • Web Content Writing
  • Writing


  • Writing articles or blogs

    $30/hr Starting at $30 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Looking for a compelling & niche-related blog to ensure your authority is never questioned, and a way better user experience (UX)?  If the answer is yes, then this service might be the right fit for you!...

    Article WritingBlog WritingLeadershipQuality AssuranceWriting
  • Write 10 persuasive product descriptions

    $25/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    You will get an easy-to-read description highlighting the benefits of your product's features in a funny & friendly tone of voice for more engagement! I will paint pictures in your customers' minds and...

    Content MarketingContent WritingDescriptive WritingProduct DescriptionsWeb Content Writing
  • Proofread your 600-word french document

    $25/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Looking for proofreading your French document, and for someone who goes the extra mile? If the answer is yes, then this could be the right service for you! I will check grammar, spelling, vocabulary;...

    EditingFrench LanguageQuality AssuranceSubstantive Editing


I am deeply passionate about everything life has to offer. Writing has been my very favorite means to educate my audience, captivate their attention, talk to their emotions, and make them relate and take action.

I have been honored by working as a columnist for BIZCATALYST 360°, an Award-Winning life, culture, and biz new media digest, serving as the global hub for enhanced performance and well-being, during 2020. Also, I am a contributing author in Mayhem to Miracles: True Stories of Courage, Triumph, and Peace.

I was born in Tunisia, a small country in North Africa. I did pretty much everything earlier than the average: walking, talking, singing, dancing. Promoted throughout my entire education, I was also the leader of every end-of-year party.

At some point, after working several years for multinational companies as an engineer, team leader, project coordinator, and product owner while always being a top performer, I figured out I was feeling miserable despite the 'perfect external image'.

That marked the starting point of an existential crisis followed by an episode that triggered my re-birth and the beginning of the most rewarding adventure of my whole existence: re-writing my subconscious program and reconnecting with my true self.

I was saved at the last moment through an out-of-body experience making me see all the lies, realize this gigantic Universe was not revolving around me. Most importantly, I was able to visualize I was here to leave a legacy like all of you, no matter how big or small! The butterfly took time to emerge though.

Today, I identify myself as a Universal Citizen. Like-minded and light-hearted people are what I call home. I am deeply passionate about everything life has to offer, and was granted the edutainer qualifier: a combination between education and entertainment!