Plan it, do it, reflect on it, learn from it, innovate it and repeat.
Hello, I'm Myrt. Just another creative by nature, I like to problem solve and generate solutions.Hopefully, I can be of assistance to you. I've been a caddie at Pinehurst Golf and Resort for thirteen years. I'm looking to enter the world of freelancing and content creation. I wouldn't consider myself a wordsmith, but I will say that at some point in my life I could be known as a notable writer. I'm am a college student pursuing a degree in an Applied Science in Legal Support and Services. I look forward to thinking alongside those of you that I may be given the opportunity to.
Work Terms
My terms are simple, please be as detailed as possible about the dynamics of the project material in relation to what you expect of me. Please provide deadlines, a rough timeline (including checkpoints) and any other specifics that will help me to better service you and complete the objectives expected of me with the utmost professionalism. Last but not least, please be kind, creative work can be complicated when done properly. Communication is key to the success of your vision. I prefer we make initial contact through Inbox, then proceed verbal communication. If we agree that I'm a fit for your task, your task will become priority one and I will not accept another task until your task is completed to your approval. If your task is research, you must provide one lead and the names of two pieces of literature for me to familiarize myself with your area of interest.