Senior Web & Mobile Developer
Doing great work brings in great customers, and a part time job quickly became a
full time development shop. The release of the iPhone and Android platform
introduced new challenges, and I have grown do work with new and interesting
I love challenging and finding new solutions and bringing new ideas to life.
I can stick to deadlines, work under-pressure and work with minimal or no supervision.
I have developed a serious of mobile applications/solutions for global clients.
I have worked in all stages of application development starting with the design phase through development, testing and implementation.
My development experiences:
- XMPP(openfire, ejabberd), VOIP(Antisip, linphone, Webrtc, FFMPEG, GSM, other video&audio codecs)
- xCode, objective-c, swift and auto layout.
- Eclipse, Android Studio, java, android SDK, android NDK.
- full use of XML layout and various animation of View.
- SQLite database and make complex query.
- Fetch data from server by parsing JSon/XML string.
- Camera application with android default camera device.
- Sensor management.
- Parse and Quickblox.
Front-End: JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, AngularJS, ReactJS, Responsive Design, CSS3, HTML5.
Back-End: PHP, Symfony, Zend Framework, Yii, Laravel, NodeJS.
Database: MySQL, SQLite, MongDB.
Source Control: GitHub, BitBucket, GitLab.
Web Service: JSON, REST, SOAP.
CMS: Magento, Joomla, Wordpress, Concrete5.
Project Management System: Basecamp, Trello, Streak, Atlassian.
Work Terms
- Long term, short term, one time projects
- English & Russian & Ukrainian
- Western Union & Paypal