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  • .NET
  • Active Directory
  • Application Development
  • ASP
  • Business Intelligence
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  • Crystal Reports
  • Database Security
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  • Database Administration

    $90/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Since 1998 I have had the good fortune to work in the information technology field. Trained initially in relational databases, I expanded my skill set to include application development, business intelligence...

    .NETActive DirectoryApplication DevelopmentASPASP.NET
  • Database Design

    $90/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Since 1998 I have had the good fortune to work in the information technology field. Trained initially in relational databases, I expanded my skill set to include application development, business intelligence...

    .NETActive DirectoryApplication DevelopmentASPASP.NET
  • Programming

    $90/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Since 1998 I have had the good fortune to work in the information technology field. Trained initially in relational databases, I expanded my skill set to include application development, business intelligence...

    .NETActive DirectoryApplication DevelopmentASPASP.NET
  • Web Programming

    $90/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Since 1998 I have had the good fortune to work in the information technology field. Trained initially in relational databases, I expanded my skill set to include application development, business intelligence...

    .NETActive DirectoryApplication DevelopmentASPASP.NET


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