I am an expert web designer and developer
I'm an Expert Software Engineer and has since been working for software companies of all sizes from all around the globe as a team member. My experience and deep understanding of architecture and theory are most eloquent.
My Detailed Skills:
Languages: JavaScript, JScript, ECMAScript (ES6), Sass, ES7, Less, SQL
Frameworks: Redux, Connect.js, Express.js, AngularJS, Ember.js
Libraries/APIs: React.js, Backbone.js, Node.js, jsSHA, Three.js, WebGL, EaselJS, Pixi.js, Socket.IO, WebRTC, Handlebars, YUI, RequireJS
Tools: Webpack 2, Webpack, Node Inspector, Gulp.js, Grunt, Babel, JIRA, Redmine, Adobe Fireworks, Apache, Jenkins, Solr, Mercurial, AWS ECS, AWS IAM, Git, GitHub, Mocha
Other: AWS API Gateway, Apollo, Serverless, Web Services, DOM, AJAX
My specialization lies in applications such as:
- Heath and Fitness
- Medical Industries
- Cryptocurrency
- Real Estate
- EHR/EMR, Dating
- Bookings and Appointments
- Food Ordering
- Uber Taxi Booking
- Service Provider
- Augmented Reality
- Machine Learning
Work Terms
40hrs per week
Attachments (Click to Preview)