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  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Digital Marketing
  • Filter Design
  • Google Certified
  • Google SEO
  • IT Auditing
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Seo Ranking
  • Web Analytics



    $30/hr Starting at $150 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I provide comprehensive technical audits of websites, which greatly help them rank for organic Google search results. My service includes but is not limited to. Validation of HTML Validation of CSS Encoding...

    Conversion Rate OptimizationDigital MarketingFilter DesignGoogle CertifiedGoogle SEO


Online SEO Programmer. Helping your website rank!

I'm a web programmer from Centurion, South Africa. I have a passion for web technologies and would love to help businesses rank on those sweet, sweet organic search results. I used to be a teacher, but I'm now very much happier just doing these web projects. Nothing makes me happier than sitting in front of a computer and getting work done.

Work Terms

I have completed online certification in online marketing from Google. Details of which can be provided to clients. I have a 5 business days turnover for projects. I'm also open to weekend work. I need to be provided with source code to do these projects and that includes all images and related files.