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    For most of the first grant year we had to keep track of Veteran information in an Excel file and manually updated the cell data as needed which usually was at least weekly. We were keeping track of financial information, contact information, and employment information as well as all other Veteran

    data using 5 separate tabs. Once we surpassed 42 columns of information for over 230 Veterans it really became unmanageable. The amount of time to even find a specific person and then to update all relevant information concerning that person was time consuming as well as frustrating because only one person could have the Excel sheet open and be updating it at one time. This made the responsibility of capturing information fall on one person and 95% of the day's workload went toward updating this Excel file. Vet Tracker was created and designed to alleviate so many of these issues.

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    Krystal, Augusta Warrior Project

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    We are a recently started non-profit organization created to assist veterans in the Upstate of South Carolina. We were introduced to VetTracker by our sister organization AWP. VetTracker has helped us a lot with running reports and keeping track of the thousands of veterans we serve. Mike Mitchell i

    s always just a phone call away to help me with any issues I have. The system that VetTracker uses in the easiest and most proficient way to keep track and help all the veterans we serve. The orientation Mike provides to familiarize our staff was top of the line and very informative. This program is a must have for any Veteran based nonprofit.

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    Charlie Pannell, Upstate Warrior Solution

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    My background: I've been programming since 1996 on Filemaker, and was a project manager for an AWS400 (IBM ERP) and a project manager for Opentabs/Ofbiz (an Open Source ERP/CRM based on MYSQL) I have worked with many programmers throughout the years on many different projects. I use Mike’s support

    for solving complex issues for my CRM/ERP solution I don’t know how to do and for help in utilizing the new features of Filemaker 13. We use screen sharing to explain my problems and this is my experience with him: I show him complex issues, and it takes literally seconds for him to understand my fields, relationships, functions, etc., and he gets what I have done. Really, this is the most amazing thing with Mike: that he can understand so quickly what I do, and how I did it. Then, he shows me on my system how to solve the problem, fast, logically, and very elegantly. And he remembers the syntax of my fields and scripts. The next time we g

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    Steven Mueller, President, System-Enterprises