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  • Ghostwriter / Content Writer

    $12/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I have a background in legal practice but have since found my true calling as a ghost and content writer. I have great experience with freelance writing across a wide range of disciplines and topics,...

    Article EditingArticle WritingBlog WritingBook WritingContent Writing


Professional Ghost and Content Writer

Why Me?

I have close to 12 years of working experience across various fields, environments, and sectors. While I am predominantly trained as a lawyer, my love of writing and a degree of necessity brought on by the pandemic caused me to shift gears and seek a new career. What seemed like a bleak situation became a blessing in disguise and gave birth to the most fulfilling part of my working life so far as I was able to discover the amazing and dynamic world of remote ghost and content writing.

What I Bring?

It’s true, I haven’t been a content and ghostwriter that long—just about two years now to be exact. However, I have been directly or indirectly involved in writing for more than a decade for academic reasons, and as an integral part of my previous jobs (legal writing, technical writing, report writing, article writing). In the last two years, I have built up an impressive array of experience and have delivered complex writing projects to clients from the USA, Canada, the U.K, Singapore, and other parts of Africa, on time and professionally. For someone that took an unknown leap into this world as a complete novice, I’ve been quite successful at it—which is a testament to my writing and research skills, and my ability to adapt my writing style to fit any context. I’ve also been working on improving my SEO writing skills and knowledge. From ghostwriting fiction and non-fiction novels for a variety of clients and on a diverse array of topics and genres, content writing, editing, and ghostwriting articles, and marketing materials for a multi-billion dollar fintech firm based in New York, and scouting, researching, editing, packaging, and writing hundreds of articles for a Miami based ad agency, and writing articles suited to SEO purposes, I’ve done it all. I pride myself on being thorough, professional, creative, and fully set up to work remotely if necessary, regardless of which time zone I’m dealing with. Lastly, I am a native English speaker.

Work Terms

I follow the GMT+2 time zone but I'm flexible and happy to make myself available at any time based on a client's needs.