I work. You shine!
Business Education Major with Master Degree studies in Vocational Education, specializing in Secretarial Science, and Counseling Psychology. Certified Public Manager. Certified Christian Education Instructor.
Work experience includes teaching secretarial science; a counselor with high school students and parents as part of after school program; 30 years in Human Services Agency, retired as the Quality Assurance Manager. Developed programs to include training manual.
Thirty years’ experience in church communications, including program development and training. Provide support to church ministries in external event promotion as well as assisting with organized ministry promotion campaigns. Director of Communications and Public Relations Ministry which includes church website, church magazine, social media, and public relations. Serve as instructor for course on church communications.
Conference Coordinator for major religious Conferences. Project Director and Editor in the production of four major revenue producing souvenir books ranging in pages from 175 – 240 pages.
Work Terms
I work from home so hours are flexible. Jobs accepted through hourly production or by project.