Standing ahead to Empower people with Innovation,Stability,Security.
Hello there,
I am highly experienced web developer. I am a Web Developer with extensive 12 years of experience. I am highly capable of testing a variety of internet applications and finding solutions to clients needs and problems. I enjoy coding new website and applications designs from a brief and making a website that clients will really love. I would really appreciate the chance to share my skills and enthusiasm with you as follows:
1) Excellent interpersonal skills, consistently building rapport with clients and coworkers.
2)Advanced knowledge and experience with front-end web technologies such as HTML/XHTML, CSS, XML, JSP and JavaScript with Ajax, JSON and jQuery, WordPress, Joomla and Drupal,Magento.
3)Additionally, advanced knowledge of back-end web technologies such as classic ASP, OOP, PHP, Apache, mod_rewrite, WordPress, Drupal, SQL, MySQL and relational database concepts.
4)Intermediate experience with enterprise level E-commerce system Oracle iStore. 5)Advanced knowledge of modern business applications such as Photoshop CS6, BootStrap and custom responsive website designing. Broad experience in managing a team as well as training others in web technologies.
6)I have worked for Alvadesh Technologies Solutions LLC as Web Designer and Developer creating a custom-made CMS, front-end design and coding, making the website compatible with all type of computer/mobile devices, designing applications in an SOA environment and developing front-end designs from PSD to HTML.
Thanks and regards,