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  • Analytics
  • Decision Support
  • Patents
  • Reports
  • Research


  • Market/Industry Research

    $35/hr Starting at $250 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Based on carefully chosen sources, and tailored to specific needs, each research task  goes way beyond quantitative data: covering also scientific literature, patents, regulation, insights coming from...

    AnalyticsDecision SupportPatentsReportsResearch


Informing your way to success.

Business intelligence analyst, supporting informed decision making with targeted, in-depth research services tailored to need.
With experience in the deep tech and hi-tech environment, but also in more traditional sectors, I have had the opportunity to work with entrepreneurs and professional coming
from diverse activity fields - including medical, aerospace, construction and material.
My academic background (BA in Behavioral Science; MA in Communication) have equipped me with the research and analytical skills that enable me to move easily from one topic to another - always attentive to details, and loyal to findings.

Work Terms

My hourly rate is $35 US.
But pricing is per project is more common. Talk to me before placing an order - so I can clearly understand your needs, and thus better evaluate the time framework needed for completing the task at hand.

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