Translation English to Croatian and/or Serbian and/or Bosnian and/or Montenegrin
I was born in Zagreb 1971. I finished Classical Gymnasium in Zagreb and graduated philosophy and religious studies at Faculty of Philosophy of the Society of Jesus in Zagreb (The University of Zagreb), Currently, I am a postgraduate student in philosophy of science and cosmology at University center for Croatian Studies. Also, I translated two books for ALFA D.D. Publisher (Zagreb):
1) K. Armstrong: Islam. A Short History
2) R. Wistrich: Hitler and the Holocaust, and
wrote two short books (for educational purposes) for Edicije Bozicevic:
1) Skoric, N.: Judaizam (Judaism)
2) Skoric, N.: Islam and
a scientific essay: "Colin Howson, Objecting to God" (Prolegomena: casopis za filozofiju, 2012)
Hobbies: reading, writing, playing a piano
Work Terms
Recommended: e-mail communication.