Angular Node, Firebase, GraphQL Full stack developer With Data Science and analysis experience with python, numpy, pandas, matploitlib,scify.
I am full stack developer and as well as designer, I have total 6 years of expedience in this field. I have good expertise in front end development using HTML5, CSS3.0, Javascript, Jquery, Angular, Angular 2, Bootstrap, Material Design. In frontend development side i do this kinds of work
1, Responsive web and mobile design
2. Angular JS single page application development
3. Rest service integration with Angular
4. Progressive Weapp development using Angular
5. Serverside Rendering using Angular and express.
6. Total end to end application development using Angular and Firebase
As well as in the backend I have used lot of framework and languages, like PHP, WordPress, Laravel, MeteorJS, ExpressJS, NodeJS, Mean stack, graphQL. But mostly i used write now ExpressJS, Graphql and MeteorJS,Firebase Laravel for backend. So in the backend development i do
1. Rest of web service creation using ExpressJS/NodeJS with relational or nonrelational database.
2. Backend development using ExpressJS and with Firebase Cloud Function or AWS Lamda.
3 WordPress web site development or WordPress Web Development using WordPress Rest API.
4. Laravel development using composer, php and artisian
5. Meteor JS Fullstack development using Angular2 and mongoDB
6. GraphQL schema design and development using GraphQL backend names GraphCool with Appollo server and Angular4
7. Elastic Search or Algolia implementation for web apps.
I also work in python but in this case I work for Data science or in Data analytics parts for statistical analysis. In pyhon I have used several modules like
1. numpy for Statistical computing
2. Pandas for data analysis,
3. Matploitlib for Data visualization.
4. pySql for SQL queries with python
I like pyhton language and I have some of the biggest analysis for large amount of data using python.
In the database side i work in MySQL, MongoDB, CouchDB, Redis, SQL, Firebase