A Linux Admin in IT industry - aspiring for services as System Expert, in IT, by leveraging my knowledge-base & experience and growing new dimensions.
A technical professional with 10 years of vast experience in diagnosing and resolving technical problems with multiple flavors of Linux operating systems (CentOS, RedHat, Ubuntu, Debian).
Domain expertise in IT Infrastructure Management / Data Center operations.
Proven track records in troubleshoot and solve complex problems, Strong Team Lead, and (re)design and implement complex computing environments.
Strong Experience with LAMP stacks technologies (Apache, MySQL and PHP).
Advanced skill in Virtualization and managing virtual machines (VMware, Virtuzzo, Xen).
Passion for Open source technologies and hands-on experience with open source tools, monitoring systems, advanced troubleshooting, software/OS/Kernel upgrade, security updates, system backup, data recovery.
Advance Knowledge of Management of hosting control panels (CPanel/WHM, Plesk).
Strong Leadership experience.
The ability to combine personal initiative with teamwork – without losing sight of the objective, even in stressful situations.
Excellent knowledge and several years of experience with 24 x 7 production systems in the Hosting and Data Center environment.
Operating systems: Various flavors of Linux (Red Hat, CentOS, Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu).
Server Applications: DNS, Apache, Tomcat, Exim, Qmail, Zimbra, Postfix, Sendmail,
Courier-imap/pop3, FTP, ROR, Samba, Squid.
Monitoring: Puppet, Nagios, eMagic, SNMP,
NTP, SSH, tcpdump
Security: Nmap, Nessus, Snort, Iptables, SSL/TLS, tcpwrppers, tripwire, Maldet,
ClamAV, mod security, Wireshark, Etherial, Ntop.
Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL
Virtualization: VMware (ESX, Server & Workstation), XenServer, Parallel-Virtuzzo.
HA System: Mirror, Load balancing and Failover Techniques
(Apache/MySQL/pgsql/DNS), HAProxy, Galera Replication.
Control Panel: CPanel/WHM, Plesk, DirectAdmin.
Backups: Rsync, R1Soft, CloudCopy.
Storages: Dell 3000DMI Series, Dell Equallogic.