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  • Article Writing
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  • Creative Writing
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  • Creative, Content and Technical Writings

    $20/hr Starting at $25

    I am capable of almost anything writing, from lists, creative writing, any type. Just give me a prompt and the style you want it and such, and i will deliver. I am currently a high school graduate, who...

    Article WritingBlog WritingContent WritingCreative WritingJournalism


Hello! I am a 19 year old high school graduate, who've attended AP writing classes with big plans and accepted into UVM and major in Creative Writing. I'm very flexible with the things I can write, and can cover almost all fields with ease when it comes to writing. There is one thing, I am not good at math at all....

Work Terms

I don't have any preferred work terms, I'm a man of just doing the work, and moving on. I am just a worker after all.

Noah Grand
Noah Grand
Marshall, MI, USA