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    $15/hr Starting at $100 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Beyond the captivating words, on-point writing style, syntax, structure, metaphors, and readability, your readers want to converse with your character. Yes! A conversation. They want you to paint the...

    AuthorBook EditingBook WritingContemporary FictionContemporary Literature

    $15/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Could your content use a professional eye? Allow my 8+ years of professional writing experience to create quality content that coincides with your vision! What you have to say MATTERS! Let's work together...

    AuthorBookBook WritingBusinessContent
  • Life-Coach& Motivational Writer

    $10/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    No career transition is the same; therefore, I believe in a fully personalized approach, which allows my clients to find their true call. I offer a unique combination of senior executive management background,...

    AmazonAuthorBiography WritingBook WritingBusiness Books


Craftswoman. Wordsmith. Linguistic artist.

If you’ve reached my page, you’re looking for great written content at affordable prices. You’re looking for someone who knows how to get you more leads, more reviews and more customers.

Maybe you’re new to the industry, or maybe you’re old-hat. Either way, you’re looking for content that will catch your reader’s attention and then hold it.

Whatever your specific situation is, you’re investing a lot of money and time into your vision. You don’t want to write the content yourself- and it’s pretty tough to hire a writer who knows how to get you more customers.

You don’t want just any writer on the job. You want a professional.

That’s where I come in. Hi, I’m Noemi Jane.

I’ve made it my business to know everything there is to know about writing content that sells.

From the sales pitch to the content itself, I’ve got you covered. I’ve been in this business for 5 years now and have recently made the switch to writing on the Upwork platform.

Not only am I an expert on content creation, but I have studied in the fields of Psychology, Public Relations, Human Resources, Marketing and Effective Communication.

What does this mean? It means that I understand people. I understand your customers. I know what makes them tick and I know how to keep them coming back for more.

Are you interested yet?

If so, here’s what I want you to do next:

You’re looking for great, affordable content from a professional. The next step is to message me so that we can start the conversation about your project.

Don’t worry- there’s no obligation to hire me. I won’t get pushy! The goal is to find out if we’re a good fit.

If we’re not a good fit, no problem and no hard feelings. However, if we are a good fit, you can look forward to receiving great content at competitive prices- content that will increase your sales and customer base.

Sound good? To get the conversation started, hit the green “Hire Me” button on the top right of this page.

P.S. Thanks for sticking with me for this

Work Terms

We can set that up according to your project.No Skype