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  • Arduino
  • Controller
  • Firmware Development
  • Simulink
  • Software Development
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Dynamic Modeling
  • Electronics
  • GUI
  • Home Automation Design
  • Image Processing
  • Machine Learning
  • Mathematical Modeling
  • Mechanical Engineering

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  • Matlab & Simulink

    $10/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Simulation, control, modeling, signal processing, GUI design and almost any project that needs to be done using Matlab I can do it. I have been using Matlab for more than 10 years so I have strong proficiency...

    ControllerDigital Signal ProcessingDynamic ModelingGUIImage Processing
  • Arduino Based Solutions

    $10/hr Starting at $50 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I can develop any project using Arduino. No matter the sensors, shield boards or extra component needed.

    ArduinoElectronicsFirmware DevelopmentHome Automation DesignMicrocontroller


Electronic Systems Designer with strong experience in programming

I'm an Electronic Engineer with more than 10 years in the field. I have a strong background in electronic circuit design, digital system design, microcontroller programming, PCB design, robotics, and signal processing. Since 2010 I've been teaching analog circuits, digital circuits, electronics, microcontroller programming, and robotics in university-level courses.

Till now, I have used the following microcontrollers for firmware development:
- Espressif: ESP32
- MICROCHIP: 8-bit family
- FREESCALE (Now NXP): Coldfire 8bits and 32bits family
- STMicroelectronics: STM32F7 family (DISCOVERY and NUCLEO Boards)

For PCB design and circuit analysis I am familiar with these tools:
- ALTIUM designer
- Multisim and Ultiboard
- Eagle
- Fritzing

Also, I have made mathematical models of dynamic systems, GUI's, control systems, signal and image processing under the following environments:
- Labview

Work Terms

I prefer to use chat to communicate. I am open to offers and available as needed