Software Developer
I have been introduced to the web development industry 9 years ago , and since then i was trying to better myself in all fields.
My professional path (of a developer) started back in 2011 with the position of Junior Developer in a small company.
During this time I acquired great experience both in coding and in managing development processes.
Participation in more than 10 commercial projects and enterprise projects helped me to understand the needs of the projects on different stages of development cycle and establish my own techniques of efficient management and reaching goals.
In the course of my career I faced it many times when professional developers wasted their talents in small local companies failing to use their skills at full strengths. At the same time I saw great companies and projects trying desperately to find reliable and responsible specialists, the ones who knew the balance between completing the task “ideally” and “on time”.
This experience was to help me for complete big and small projects perfectly.
I try to keep abreast of android development new trends.
I have the utmost respect for your and my time, that is why it is very important for me to do high quality work and have regular and transparent communications with you.
I am results-based developer, which solves your issues. Looking forward to working with you for long.
Work Terms
- Backend: PHP( Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend ), Node.js, Python, Django, Flask, MySQL, MongoDB
- Frontend: React.js, Express.js, Redux.js, Angular, HTML5, Javascript, CSS3,
- CMS & E-CMS: Wordpress, Magento, Shopify
- iOS native app: Swift
- Android native app: JAVA/Kotlin
- iOS / Android cross-platform app: React Native, Native Script
- C#, Unity, Virtual Reality, Unreal Engine.
- Third-Party Integration
Weather (OpenWeatherMap, Weatherbit, Dark Sky API),
Google, Firebase, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Twillo, SendGrid Email, etc