Using analysis to uncover interesting patterns that end up helping the world or at least my customers.
My name is Omar Eltouny, and I am an Egyptian data analyst certified by Udacity. I have completed the advanced data analysis nano degree offered fwd-Egypt that contained multiple topics such as the data analysis pipeline (Ask a question, Wrangle data, perform Exploratory Data Analysis, Draw conclusions/ making predictions, and finally communicate results). I also worked with practical statistics techniques such as hypothesis testing and confidence interval and I have experience with machine learning algorithms mainly regression (logistic, linear, multiple linear). For data visualizations, I have experience with Tableau, matplotlib, seaborn, and plotly. I also completed several projects that will be listed in my portfolio but here are some of them:
Work Terms
I work 3-5 hr/day with a 5-8$/hr. I can also work on fixed terms (offer certain for the full project) or per milestone