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  • .NET
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Android
  • Angular
  • App Development
  • Blockchain
  • Chat Support
  • Creative
  • Customer Service
  • Design
  • Innovation Consulting
  • iOS
  • Java
  • Mobile Development

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  • Mobile and web application development

    $45/hr Starting at $1K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Mobile and web application development with iOS, Android | Swift, Objective-C, Java, Kotlin | Ruby On Rails, Cake PHP | Javascript, Angular | Blockchain, Hyperledger | .NET -15 full-time developers highly-skilled...

    .NETAmazon Web ServicesAndroidAngularApp Development


Our team enjoys doing great work and forming long-term partnerships with our clients. We love innovation and working hard to solve problems that others cannot.

Myself and my two co-founders established Inmind ten years ago with the goal of making great software applications. We have worked with a wide range of technologies in both web and mobile development, and know how to guide the development process from idea to implementation.

We are an excellent resource for anyone ever needing to resolve performance issues, perform updates, or fix bugs.

Some numbers for our team:

-15 full-time developers highly-skilled with Swift, Objective-C, Java, Kotlin, MySQL, MEAN STACK, Angular, Ruby on Rails, PHP, and .Net
-10+ years of experience with small to large organizations
-2 full-time UX/UI designers. Usability is a must for us
-99% of our projects are built for cloud. We love cloud, and we know how take maximum advantage of it

Our products include software for:

Fintech - both institutional banking and microloan startups
Social Networking
Job Searches
Human Resources SaaS
Government platforms
Messaging, Chat and Forums

Founded: 2008

Meet the Team

  • Juan Arrillaga

    Juan Arrillaga

    Mobile Team Lead

  • Julio Ruiz

    Julio Ruiz

    Systems Engineer

Work Terms

Our work hours are GMT-3 8-6 Mon-Fri
We can establish payment method and schedule on a case-by-case basis