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  • Active Listening
  • Communication Skills
  • Computer Literacy
  • Customer Service
  • Quality Assurance


  • Customer Service

    $10/hr Starting at $30 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Good Listener, Attentiveness, Clear and empathetic communication skills, computer skills (Excel, Word, PowerPoint), Optimistic attitude with a positive outlook on life and work. Experince ranges from...

    Active ListeningCommunication SkillsComputer LiteracyCustomer ServiceQuality Assurance


Customer Service

Skills: Good Listner, Attentiveness, Clear and empathetic communication skills, computer skills (Excel, Word, PowerPoint), Optimistic attitude with a positive outlook on life and work.

Experince ranges from a Customer Service Associate to a Sr. Quality Assurance Associate (Customer Service) to owning a travel and manpower management business, so I am very flexible with a wide range of work experience.

I graduated from University Of 2009 with a Bachelor of Commerce Degree.

Work Terms

I am open to projects, big or large, also open to projects requiring long working hours. I can be contacted over the phone or email which ever is convenient.