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  • System/Network/AWS/VOIP Administrator

    $10/hr Starting at $30 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Over 5 years plus experience of System Management. Highly Self-motivated and Goal-oriented, Ability to work as an effective team leader and also as a diligent team member. Experience of heterogeneous...

    Administrative AssistantAmazon Web ServicesApp DevelopmentBlackberryData Management


Highly Self-motivated and Goal-oriented, Ability to work as an effective team leader and also as a diligent team member.

Experience of heterogeneous platforms of Windows based environments. Designing of System Architecture, Maintenance, Troubleshooting & Monitoring of Services. Well experienced with strategic policy development for MIS Operations and System integration of cross platform services.

VOIP : FreePBX, Vicidial, Goautodial, A2billing
Platforms: IBM Flex/Blade System
Backups/Recovery, High Availability
Working on Windows 2003/2008, Active Directory, Exchange Server 2003/2010/2013, IIS, ISA/TMG and MS SQL Server 2005/2008
Virtual environment infrastructure Management. Center/VSphare/VMWare
Familiar with Backup Technologies and Recovery Techniques for Windows Servers and Virtual Servers and DR Site Planning & Implementation
Understanding about Highly Availability of the Critical Application
Experience writing scripts in a Windows environment include batch scripts, VBS, power shell and controlling scripts on distributed servers
Familiar with modern storage management technology like SAN's, NAS, Storage Arrays, Fiber channel technology, and RAID disk,
Acquainted with designing an Active Directory environment for an enterprise environment and designed global and group policies, OU (Organization Units) and delegating authority in an Active Directory environment,
Experience running production servers in a large scale data center include best practice like change control, the use of security firewalls, and monitoring,
Familiar with best practices for securing Windows Servers and Microsoft applications like IIS, Exchange Server, ISA/TMG SQL Server, Messaging Services Mdaemon, Blackberry Enterprise Services, Experience patching OS and hardware i.e. RAID controllers, BIOS, etc.

Work Terms

Highly Self-motivated and Goal-oriented, Ability to work as an effective team leader and also as a diligent team member.