Client satisfaction is our motto.
I have been developing data-centric applications utilizing Microsoft Technologies since 2016. I am proficient in UX/UI design and have experience working with Microsoft SQL Server/T-SQL databases. I have a wealth of experience migrating data from various sources into a relational data model.
I am proficient in a C# programming language. I use the latest version of Visual Studio and SQL Server Management Studio.
I have built several Mobile First ASP.NET MVC Web Applications utilizing Visual Studio, Entity Framework, Bootstrap, jQuery, CSS, HTML, Entity Framework and JavaScript.
I picked up Flutter when it was still in beta and I built so many apps using it.I'm a highly motivated and reliable flutter app developer, committed to doing a great job while respecting deadlines.
Listed below are my experience and skills.
— Android SDK: Location and Sensors, Services, Camera, External Storage, Fragments, Content Providers, Broadcast Receivers, Unit Tests, WebView, SQLite, Custom Views, Constraint Layout, Material Design
— API: Google APIs (Maps, Places), AdMob, Firebase (Real-time Database, Storage, Authentication, Analytics, Push-notifications), Mapbox Maps SDK (different types of clusters)
— Testing: Junit4, Expresso
— Libraries: RxDart, Retrofit, Dagger, Glide/Picasso, Realm Database
— Architecture patterns: MVP, MVVM