Continuing Education System Specialist for: ISO 29990 International Standard; and Singapore's WSQ Standard for adult training organisations as well as MOE's Edutrust Compliant Standard.
Patrick is an experienced quality process compliant system specialist across training organisations and education institutions under Singapore's Workforce Development Agency (WDA); Ministry of Manpower (MOM); Ministry of Education (MOE); and the ISO 29990:2010 Standard. Wherever you are located, he can assist you in setting up your adult training and continuing education quality processes by adopting Singapore's quality standard.
His involvement in the Continuing Education & Training (CET) field began before 2008 when he developed business plans for education and training providers.
In 2009, after the MOE constituted the Council For Private Education (CPE) under the Private Education Act (Act), he immediately went to work with Private Education Institutions (PEIs) to fulfill their ERF and Edutrust requirements.
Since 2012 he has assisted MOM’s WSH Accredited Training Providers (ATPs) who were seeking accreditation status secured WDA OA/CA; set up their Continuous Improvement System (CIR ); carried out internal audits; and handled their Call-For-Proposals.
And in 2014, when the MOM replaces its ATP scheme with the SAC Accreditation Scheme, Patrick helped both MOM ATPs and WDA ATOs who were conducting MOM courses to implement the new ISO 29990 standard and integrate them with their existing processes.
Presently, his scope of work in adult education includes projects on integrating ISO 29990, CIR and Edutrust standards for ATOs, ATPs and PEIs; and all the above mentioned areas (visit my web site for full list of services:
Business System Analysis; WSQ CIR Masterclass; Leadership in Education & Learning (Harvard Graduate School of Education); Leading Learning for 21st century Skills (University of Michigan)
When you engage Patrick, you are leveraging on Singapore's global lead in the CET field and her decade-long headstart in the CET field before the existence of the ISO 29990:2010 standard.
Work Terms
Fees are based on project goals, scope and deliverables. For short assignment that require up to several hours, hourly-based fee applies. Usually, the steps are as follows:
1. Briefing from client.
2. Proposal and quotation submission.
3. Endorsement of quotation and upfront 50% payment.
4. Work commences with weekly update (usually for projects lasting 4 to 8 weeks).
5. Agreed deliverables are submitted every week until the deliverables are completed by the agreed timeline.
6. During each week's submission, client review the documents and request for amendments, if necessary.
7. If amendments are out of agreed scope of work, a revision to quote shall be agreed upon first.
8. Upon completion, client pays the remaining 50%.
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