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  • Nordic Language Translator

    $5/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Since 2006, I have offered translation services rendering texts written in Swedish, Norwegian and Danish into English, through my company Dalia Text Service. I translate texts in a wide variety of fields,...

    AccountingAnnual AccountsBookkeepingContractsDanish Language


Comprehensive language solutions. Specialising in Scandinavian languages. Swedish, Danish and Norwegian to English text translations.

Born in Canada, I am a native English speaker and I spent my childhood in that country. Already at an early age, I had a keen interest in travel and in exotic locations. My only form of travel at the point was via shortwave radio, however. Hence my experience in radio electronics.

In 1995 at the age of 19, I moved to Iceland where I studied at the university. I later moved to Sweden in 1998 where I lived until early 2016. I am currently located in Berlin.

I founded Dalia Text Service in 1996 and incorporated it in 2016. Over the years, I have had the pleasure of translating for companies and individuals in more than 20 countries and dealing with a wide variety of topics, including finance, law, technology, marketing, history and education, to name just a few.

I am always looking to expand my circle of clients and to continue to improve my skills and practices with the aim of continuing to deliver quality services to my clients.

Work Terms

Monday - Friday 8 am - 5:30 pm Central European Time.
Skype: pitcalco