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  • Article Writing
  • B2B
  • Beauty
  • Content Development
  • Content Writing
  • Descriptive Writing
  • Jewelry Design
  • Press Releases
  • Product Descriptions
  • Proofreading
  • Real Estate
  • Software Development
  • Web Design
  • Website Content
  • Writing


  • Professional writer proofreader editor

    $10/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    Writing up top quality articles - website content development - B2B content - B2C conent - press releases - product descriptions - real estate - jewelry - beauty conent - house renovation content - roof...

    Article WritingB2BBeautyContent DevelopmentContent Writing


Professional writer, proofreader, editor, online research expert

My writing skills credentials comprise the following:

I've been actively involved in writing content for more than 13 years
Plenty of pluck and self-motivation, experience and expertise in the field of article and blog content writing, proofreading, editing and online research plus many more
All my writings are unique and original which pass copyscape every time
I am an honest and reliable freelancer with punctual deliveries of completed content
I always write with a flair and try to make all my articles interesting and informative and useful to clients.
I've written content for nearly 100 private and company owned websites
I work best when writing top quality content on a variety of niches or on a specific niche.
I've written on topics from high end office accommodation to home and office security systems with literally hundreds of other topics in between that include B2B, B2C, press releases, news writing, real estate, wedding receptions, wedding attire, interior decoration, fashion, jewelry, weeding, haircuts, tech gadgets, product descriptions ghostwriting, copy writing, content writing, article writing etc.
I can produce from 10 to 15 top notch articles of 500 words per day with enough flexibility to produce more or less.
I'm highly accurate with facts and figures and never veer off the topic
I always format my writings to include the topic, headings, sub-headings and produce top notch professionally written content.
I'm fast but also careful when writing up content especially on technical and financial topics.

Work Terms

I work only during weekdays from 8:00 am to 6: pm virtually from home
I prefer not to work outside the Guru platform and now refuse to be hired if clients don't use Safepay as I have suffered many setbacks for non-payment for my work
My freelance motto now is: "NO GURU SAFEPAY, NO HIRE!"
I prefer to have my work protected and if it's not, I turn down clients
I prefer my earnings to be transferred direct to my account with Payoneer
I accept corrections of my work and any other client requirements
I will refund any monies owing to clients
I will deliver the goods before deadlines