Passion to deliver best quality Data Science Solutions
Hello! I communicate in Russian and English! I'm a freelancer, client feedback can be found here: (average score 91%!)
I've completed more than 30 projects with success connected with Data Science. Most of them were connected with Machine Learning, like data generation with LTSM, voice synthesis using Tacotron, Speech Recognition in Octave, Matlab or Python. I also worked at Computer Vision tasks like segmentation or action detection.
Data Scientist focused on projects connected with NLP, Computer Vision and Speech Processing. Also worked on Time Series Analysis and Forecasting, Recommended systems. The strongest in Python, but don't mind to work with - JS, Octave, Matlab, C/C++.
Past projects:
*NLP Recommended Systems
- Programming course recommended system - surprise(Python)- collaborative filtering
-Twitter posts analysis to check influence of crypto experts to exhange rate
- Text summarization from Russian articles - Text Rank and ruBERT
- Speak to text program using Kaldi
- Sentiment Analysis of Audio Files and Notification System with AWS Artificial Intelligence Service
- Python code generation and tuning usinfg DeepSpeed and RuGPT-3
**Machine and Deep Learning Projects
- DDOS attack detection using Machine Learning
- Anomaly detection in network using clustering methods - python
- Researching advertisements for flats - Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn
- Bitcoin and Ethereum prediction using LSTM
- Word checker in reviews - NLP modules like Spacy or NLTK
**Computer Vision and Speech Processing Projects
- Scraping of contact using OCR(Optical character recognition), detection of characters exceeded 85%
- Extracting of images from scanned pdf(in OpenCV)
- Measuring Student Attention with Face Detection using Tensorflow.js and face.js api
- Single word changer in video - Tacotron - API in Python
** Miscellaneous
- Cryptography algorithms benchmark - compare Python, PHP, C# performance
- EEG signal processing to check human awareness