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  • API Development
  • Salesforce
  • Salesforce Development
  • Software Development
  • Vlocity


  • Salesforce Omnistudio Developer

    $30/hr Starting at $1K Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    8x Salesforce certified, 1x Ranger with 6.5+ years of experience in Salesforce in the Telecommunications and Insurance domain. Experience with Salesforce Omnistudio and Industries CPQ. Developer on 2...

    API DevelopmentSalesforceSalesforce DevelopmentSoftware DevelopmentVlocity


Salesforce Omnistudio Consultant

Hi there,
I'm a Salesforce Omnistudio Consultant with 6.5 years experience in Salesforce configuration and customization and working on the Omnistudio and Industries CPQ package. I have some knowledge of Order Management as well. I have primarily worked in the telecomm and Insurance domain with SF Sales Cloud.
I'm based out of Auckland, New Zealand, and you can often find me strolling around, in search of the best coffee man can offer.

Work Terms

I can work 15-20 hours weekly, prefer payment to be done weekly / fortnightly.
Available on whatsapp / mail anytime.