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Total Feedback Received: 1


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    In addition to Penny’s success as a student, writer, and employee, she is an outstanding editor, and I personally hired her after she completed her degree to edit one of my books. She read with rigor and caught those glitches that none of us can catch in our own writings; her suggestions for improvi

    ng that work were exactly on target.

     ...Read More

    Dr. Nancy Perkins

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    She has been reliable, professional, and attentive to our clients’ needs, and in the two years she has been with us, she has developed a following of her own.

    Miles D Woken

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    Penny Pennell is an excellent writer, an outstanding communicator, and well-disciplined. …I recommend Penny Pennell to your company for employment because she is resourceful, reliable, cooperative, and timely.

    Dr. Marcellus Leonard

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    At least I am smart enough I guess to know when I need help and to know that you are the one who can help. You did a wonderful job last time.

    Les Hohenstein, PhD

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    Penny has been very helpful to me. She is not reticent to share her ideas and, indeed, has been creative in her approach to several projects. She is mindful of deadlines and gets her work done on time.

    Andrea Cusick, SVP, Communications, CBAI